Funeral Wreaths

Carefully tied funeral wreaths delivered to churches and crematoria as well as to cemeteries.

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  • Order a funeral wreath online

    Flowers express your sympathy and grief, your pain and loss in an unobtrusive and soothing way. Trust our years of experience with special floral creations for bereavement. Euroflorist works closely together with the best florists throughout Germany. This ensures that all funeral wreaths are fresh, professional, and made with love and care.

    Choose from our funeral wreaths that range from modern, to colourful, to traditional and elegant. This way you can make a choice you feel comfortable with and find a wreath that suits the person who has passed away. If you have any special requests, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team. We will be more than happy to help.

  • Flower wreath for a funeral at Euroflorist

    Choose your favourite design and simply complete your order using a secure payment method. In the field "text for card or ribbon", you can let the florist know what words you would like to add to the ribbon or card.

    If you have special wishes regarding delivery time, place of delivery, or anything else, you are welcome to indicate this in the "special notes" field. The florist will then automatically be informed of any special requirements when the order is placed. On the day of delivery, the florist will take your ordered funeral wreath directly to the desired location, whether this is the cemetery, your own address, or the address where the funeral will take place.

  • What kind of funeral wreaths do you find at Euroflorist?

    We are very flexible in the design of a flower wreath for funerals and are happy to comply with your wishes. After all, we want you to feel comfortable with your choice. Choose from our models that come in all colours, sizes and shapes.

    For example, we have smaller flower wreaths especially for an urn grave or opulent heart-shaped funeral wreaths. You also have the option of adding a ribbon to your funeral wreath. This ribbon can also be printed with the words of your choice in a further step.

  • When can my funeral wreath be delivered?

    A funeral wreath is made with love and care by our partner florists. As this is a time-consuming process, you should best order your funeral wreath at least two days in advance. After all, you want to be sure that your funeral wreath arrives on time.

    So if you order your funeral wreath from us well in advance, we can ensure that the wreath gets the time, love, and craftsmanship it deserves and that you are ultimately satisfied with the result.

  • Funeral flower wreath prices

    Funeral wreaths are usually richly decorated with flowers. Because of the large number of flowers, the prices for funeral wreaths usually start at 150 euros. Depending on the size and type of flowers, the prices for a funeral wreath often vary between 150 and 300 euros.

    Also, a lot of time and craftsmanship goes into a funeral wreath. Our prices try to find the middle ground between fair for the customer and fair for the florist. If you want a funeral wreath with a ribbon, the cost of the ribbon is added, which is about 25 euros due to the quality of the workmanship and any printing.