Condolence Flowers

See our collection of classy funeral bouquets to express your deepest sympathy.

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    In Germany & Worldwide Since 1982

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    Handtied By Our Local Partner Florists

  • Every Bouquet Is Unique

    Every Bouquet Is Unique

    Created By Florist Experts

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  • Send Condolence Flowers

    After the loss of a loved one, flowers can provide comfort to the relatives and help them accept the painful loss. Our condolence flowers on this page are timeless cut flower bouquets. Our florists arrange each flower individually in the respective condolence bouquet and combine them with decorative foliage. We deliberately focus on the colour white, as it stands for purity and innocence.

  • Condolence Flowers Hand-Made by Florists

    Your sympathy receives a very personal expression when the florist personally hands over your condolence flowers to the relatives. Our condolence flowers have been on the market for years and our partner florists are long-time flower experts who will attentively take care of your funeral order. They know better than anyone how important it is, especially at a funeral or memorial service, that the flowers look flawless.