I'm Sorry Flowers

We all make mistakes. An apology is much easier with a bouquet of flowers.

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  • Happy Customers

    Happy Customers

    In Germany & Worldwide Since 1982

  • Same-Day Delivery

    Same-Day Delivery

    Handtied By Our Local Partner Florists

  • Every Bouquet Is Unique

    Every Bouquet Is Unique

    Created By Florist Experts

  • Secure 3D Payment

    Secure 3D Payment

    Many Safe Payment Options

  • Apologies With Flowers

    Making mistakes is human. And so are sending flowers to apologise! Asking for forgiveness with one of our elegant bouquets is a way of saying, "I mean it!". Whether roses deliver the right message for you, or perhaps gerberas or ranunculus, we have the right bouquet for you! Have your apology delivered by our local florist, and order a matching bouquet through our flower delivery service. Flowers say more than a thousand words!