Make your own door wreath with these 4 steps

A door wreath adds the perfect touch to your front door or patio during the cozy autumn months and the festive (pre-)Christmas season. But guess what? A wreath made from natural materials looks just as stunning indoors, too!

Want to make your own? Check out the guide below for everything you need and the simple 4 steps to follow. Get ready to unleash your creativity and have a blast crafting and decorating!

do it yourself autumnal door wreath

This is what you need: utensiles

A straw wreath, scissors, thin green binding wire, and jute yarn. The straw wreath forms the shape of your door wreath. Use the binding wire to attach leaves and twigs to the straw wreath and use the jute yarn to hang the wreath up later on.

marterial do it yourself door wreath

This is what you need: natural materials

Choose the materials you want to use in your door wreath. We opted for natural materials such as eucalyptus leaves, thistles, and leaves in autumn colours for our wreath. Let your creativity flow to design your door wreath exactly according to your taste. For example, choose fir branches and maybe even a few Christmas baubles to give your door wreath a Christmassy touch.

Step 1 make your own door wreath

Step 1: Drape and tie the leaves

Drape the leaves, branches, and twigs lengthways on the straw wreath. Tie them to the wreath at the end of the stems using the binding wire. Tie a small section of the straw wreath until it is completely covered by the materials. Continue tying piece by piece until the wreath is completely covered. A little tip: leave the back of the wreath bare. When you hang the wreath on the door later, you won't be able to see the back anyway.

step 2 do it yourself door wreath

Step 2: Lash down the materials

As you tie the materials to the straw wreath piece by piece, you should lash them down in between. After all, we want your door wreath to be robust in all weathers. To do this, wrap the binding wire around the stems a few times.

step 3 do it yourself door wreath

Step 3: The final touch

The straw wreath is now completely covered with your choice of materials. Now it's time for the finishing touches. Examine your door wreath and, where necessary, tie around the leaves and twigs again. Slightly pull and move individual leaves so that the door wreath looks even and lavishly decorated.

step 4 do it yourself door wreath

Step 4: Attach the jute yarn & hang up the wreath

Tie the jute yarn around the top of the door wreath a few times. Then tie a loop to hang it up. Hang your door wreath on your front door, garden door, or wherever you would like it to hang.

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